(856) 728-9800 Ext. 271
The Planning Board has a wide range of responsibilities, among which is the responsibility of making many important decisions. Planning Boards are directly responsible for generating and updating a Municipality’s Master Plan, and are involved in developing and effectuating broad land use policies for guiding the growth of a municipality. An integral part of a municipality’s decision making process in the Master Plan. Without the land use element of the Master Plan, a Municipality cannot have a valid Zoning Ordinance.
The Planning Board has specific authorities over subdivision control and site plan review, the Official Map, Zoning Ordinances and the Capital Improvements Program. Moreover, it has been vested with quasi-judicial power in that when reviewing subdivision and site plan applications, it can decide “C” Variances and establish procedures for the review of such applications.
The Planning Board may also become involved in the review of other State or Federal programs or plans, assemble data for planning purposes and perform other advisory duties as assigned to it by the Governing Body, to aid them in planning process.
Master Plan Re-examination Report April 2007
Master Plan Re-examination Report April 2007 – Amendment May 2007
Master Plan Re-examination Report 2008
Master Plan Re-examination Report 2008 #2
Master Plan Re-examination Report August 2009
Master Plan Re-examination Report March 2010
Master Plan Re-examination Report February 2012
Pedestrian Circulation Element of the Master Plan 2005
Master Plan Housing Element Draft
Affordable Housing Ordinance – Final – 8-22-2018 for Council Meeting (00624724xBA998)
Memorializing Resolution for Adoption of Housing Element
R_106-2017 Affordable Housing Administrator
R_151-2016 Non-Condemnation Redevelopment Area Investigation
R_190-2017 Redevelopment Area – Sicklerville Road
R_188-2017 Redevelopment Area – South Main Street
R_107-2017 Redevelopment Special Counsel
R_108-2017 Redevelopment Planner
PB-66-18Maser Consulting P.A. – Affordable Housing Administrator
Joseph H. Rocco, Esq – Special Counsel for Redevelopment
R_047-2018 Special Counsel For Redevelopment
R_189-2017 Redevelopment Area – Route 322 & Tuckahoe Road
180904_memo Flaherty_supplement to plan (004)
Rt 322.Tuckahoe PI_July 30 2018 draft_complete reduced (002)
R_142-2018 Route 322 & Tuckahoe Amending R_189-2017
R_167-2018 Rescind R_142-2018 – Route 322_Tuckahoe Road Redevelopment Area Designation