(856) 728-9800 ext 222
The Zoning Officer’s responsibility is to ensure that any proposed use, construction or alteration is a permitted use in the Zoning District and conforms to the Zoning Ordinance in area and setbacks. Before an applicant can undertake a project, a zoning permit must be applied for and obtained. A Zoning Permit application consists of the application requesting the Use or Proposed work with a Survey of the property completed within the last five years by a NJ Licensed Surveyor, and the applicable fee. The Zoning Officer makes the initial determination of whether the proposed project conforms to the Zoning Ordinance. If the Zoning Officer reviews a request and determines that the application requires any variance(s), it will be denied and referred to the Zoning Board of Adjustment or the Planning Board.
NOTE: An applicant may make a direct application to the Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Adjustment if they know their project will require a Board’s approval prior to applying for the Zoning Permit.
Zoning for Information can be found using the Gloucester County GIS mapping system here.
Property Record Cards can be located by searching the Tax Assessor’s Database here
In addition, the Zoning Officer is responsible for enforcement of the provisions of the municipal Zoning Ordinance, as well as determining whether or not a specific use is permitted in a particular zone. The Zoning Map and Zoning Requirement Flow Charts can be found there as well.
Here (Proposed Work List of Required Permits) is a list of some of the most commonly asked question types of work requested, and if they require a Zoning and/or Construction Permit.
Current Zoning Permit Application Process
All Zoning Applications and forms for our Department can be found on the Township website website under “Forms & Applications” found at (https://monroetownshipnj.org/online-forms-2/)
- Print the Zoning Application (titled Zoning Permit Application 4-23) and complete it in its entirety.
- Be sure to print the Zoning Application Checklist to be able to complete the Application properly for submittal.
- Please be sure that any application that requires Zoning Approval, is obtained prior to sending the Construction Permit Application.
- Completed applications can be sent by mail or placed in the drop box at the Court side entrance on the Virginia Avenue side of the Municipal Building.
Please feel free to contact our office at the number or email link at the top of this page.
Monroe Solicitation and Peddling
In an effort to promote public safety we are providing a list to residents so they can verify the validity of anyone coming to their home peddling and soliciting as well as confirming the legality of any person setting up for business within the Township. Should anyone notice someone operating within the Township that is not on this list, please contact me as soon as possible. If someone is going door to door without a valid identification badge please contact the Police Department.
Tara A Nelms
Zoning Officer
Township Of Monroe
125 Virginia Ave
Williamstown, NJ 08094
856-728-9800 Ext. 222