The members of the Monroe Township Police Department are committed to providing law enforcement services that are fair, effective, and impartially applied. It is in the best interest of everyone that a complaint about the performance of an individual employee or the agency in general be resolved fairly and promptly. The Monroe Township Police Department has formal procedures for investigating these complaints. These procedures ensure fairness while also protecting the rights of both citizens and employees.
Any person filing a complaint of misconduct concerning a Monroe Township police officer is assured of the following:
- Your complaint will be sent to either a superior or specially trained internal affairs officer who will conduct a thorough and objective investigation.
- You will be asked to help in the investigation by giving a detailed statement about what happened or by providing other important information.
- All complaints against employees or the agency in general are thoroughly investigated. You will be advised in writing of the outcome of the investigation.
- If our investigation shows that a crime might have been committed, the county prosecutor will be notified. You might be asked to testify in court.
- If our investigation results in an employee being charged with a violation of division rules, you might be asked to testify in a division hearing.
- If our investigation shows that the complaint is unfounded or that the employee acted properly, the matter will be closed.
- All disciplinary hearings shall be closed to the public, unless the defendant officer requests an open hearing.
If you have a complaint concerning a Monroe Township police officer please fill out the IA-14 Internal Affairs Report Form (provide as much information as possible) and mail or email the form to the addresses listed below. The Internal Affairs Report Form is available in other languages by clicking here. If you prefer to remain anonymous when filing your complaint you may fill out as little or as much as you wish on the complaint form. Keep in mind that more information will be helpful to our investigators. You may also contact the Monroe Township Police Department’s Internal Affairs Unit at 856-728-9800 ext. 510.
Via Mail:
Monroe Township Police Department
125 Virginia Ave.
Williamstown, NJ 0809
Attention: Internal Affairs Unit
Via Email: