Click here for the Public Notice – Zoning Board of Adjustment Special Meeting of April 27, 2021:

ZBA Legal Notice – Special Meeting (April 27, 2021) (2)

Click here for the Agenda – Zoning Board of Adjustment Special Meeting of April 27, 2021:

2021-04-27 ZBA Meeting Agenda (Amended)

Click here for the Public Hearing portion:

Application #506-SP-JK-United-Group-LLC

Site Plan #506-SP JK United Group, LLC (Engineer’s Report)

Site Plan #506-SP JK United Group, LLC (Planner’s Report)

Concept Parking Sketches (2)

JK United Group LLC_ #506 SP & 20-005 – Adjournment

Site Plan Waiver #WSP-05-21 Patrick Jones

Kanady to Zoning Board 2021 – Extension Request

Res 17-16 #16-26 Kanady

Res 17-17 #16-26 Kanady